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The Central Bank of Malta is pleased to announce the issue of the third commemorative silver coin Sir Adriano Dingli in the Distinguished Maltese Personalities Series.
The first coin in this series was issued in September 2001 to commemorate former Maltese Prime Minister, Advocate Enrico Mizzi whilst the second coin commemorating Maltese composer Nicolo Isouard was issued in November 2002.
The third coin in this series commemorates Chief Justice, Sir Adriano Dingli, who lived between 1817 and 1900. The obverse of the coin depicts the Coat of Arms of the Republic of Malta and the year of issue 2003. The reverse shows a likeness of Sir Adriano Dingli, the dates of his birth and death (1817-1900) and the words "Sir Adriano Dingli - Prim Imhallef" (Sir Adriano Dingli - Chief Justice).
The Silver Proof coin is legal tender in Malta for the value of Lm5. The coins were designed by the Maltese artist Noel Galea Bason and were struck at the Royal Mint, United Kingdom with the following specifications:
Finesse: 0.925
Diameter: 38.61mm
Weight: 28.28gms
Minting Limit: 2.000
Price: € 40 each (including registered post)The coins in The Maltese Personalities Series may be viewed at the Currency Museum of the Central Bank and are available for sale at the price of Lm15 (€ 40) each from the Malta Coins Distribution Centre Central Bank of Malta, Castille Place, Valletta, or via the Bank's website:
http://www.centralbankmalta.com under the 'Currency' section.
Payments are preferably to be made by Banker's Draft or personal cheques.
Prices may vary according to current exchange rates.
Further information may also be obtained by phoning the Bank on +356 2550 0000 or e-mail: mcdc@centralbankmalta.com